The latent structure of global scientific development
Author(s): Miao L, Murray D, Jung WS, Larivière V, Sugimoto CR, Ahn YY.Nature Human Behaviour, 1-2 (2022)
Robustness modularity in complex networks
Author(s): Filipi N. Silva, Aiiad Albeshri, Vijey Thayananthan, Wadee Alhalabi, and Santo FortunatoPhys. Rev. E 105, 054308 (2022)
The Narrowing of Literature Use and the Restricted Mobility of Papers in the Sciences.
Author(s): Varga AttilaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(17): e2117488119 (2022)
Visualizing big science projects
Author(s): Börner, K., Silva, F. N. and Milojević, S.Visualizing big science projects. Nature Reviews Physics. 3, 753–761 (2021)
Residual2Vec: Debiasing graph embedding with random graph
Author(s): Sadamori Kojaku, Jisung Yoon, Isabel Constantino, and Yong-Yeol AhnNeurIPS (2021)
Measuring the Unmeasurable in the Science of Science
Author(s): Lingfei Wu, Aniket Kittur, Hyejin Youn, Staša Milojević, Erin Leahey, Stephen Fiore, Yong-Yeol AhnJournal of Informetrics, 16-2, (2022)
Gender inequities in the online dissemination of scholars' work
Author(s): Vasarhelyi, O., Zakhlebin, I., Milojević, S., & Horvat, A-E.PNAS, 9/20/2021
Non-parametric Learning of Embeddings for Relational Data Using Gaifman Locality Theorem
Author(s): Dhami, Devendra Singh, et al.International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming. Springer, Cham, 2021
Unsupervised embedding of trajectories captures the latent structure of mobility
Author(s): Dakota Murray*, Jisung Yoon*, Sadamori Kojaku, Rodrigo Costas, Woo-Sung Jung, Staša Milojević, Yong-Yeol Ahn(Under review)
On the Stability of Citation Networks
Author(s): A. Benatti, H. F. de Arruda, C. H. Comin, F. N. Silva, L. da F. CostaUnder review in Journal of Informetrics (2021)
CADRE: A Cloud-Based Data Service for Big Bibliographic Data
Author(s): Xiaoran Yan, Guangchen Ruan, Dimitar Nikolov, Matthew Hutchinson, Chathuri Peli Kankanamalage, Ben Serrette, James McCombs, Alan Walsh, Esen Tuna, Valentin PentchevCIKM 2021
Stability through Constant Attrition: Turnover, Growth and the Career Age of the Scientific Workforce
Author(s): Boothby, C., Milojević, S., Lariviere, V., Radicchi, F., & Sugimoto, C. R.(In Prep.)
Explainable Models via Compression of Tree Ensembles
Author(s): Yan, Siwen & Natarajan, Sriraam & Joshi, Saket & Khardon, Roni & Tadepalli, Prasad.Machine Learning Journal, 2022 (To appear)